In order to plan for the future housing and support service needs of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, it is important for stakeholders to understand the innovation that is occurring across the country and collect data on what people want for their future options here in the Denver-metro area. The following presentations were designed to inform stakeholders of these innovations in order to survey participants on what their preference would be for future residential opportunities. These are not presentations on how to access housing or support services today.
This presentation provides an in-depth overview of how residential options for people with I/DD have evolved into innovative, person-centered solutions. Topics such as neuro-inclusive design, service delivery models, enabling technology, and supportive amenities are discussed. The presentation includes videos and pictures of examples from around the country.
This presentation uses more accessible plain-language, images and short videos to help describe residential options to people with I/DD. Participants may use the visual guide we developed to keep track of their preferences.
Esta presentación ofrece una descripción detallada de cómo las opciones residenciales para personas con I / DD se han convertido en soluciones innovadoras y centradas en la persona. Se discuten temas como el diseño neuro-inclusivo, los modelos de prestación de servicios, la tecnología habilitadora y las comodidades de apoyo. La presentación incluye videos e imágenes de ejemplos de todo el país.
Esta presentación utiliza un lenguaje sencillo, imágenes y videos cortos más accesibles para ayudar a describir las opciones residenciales a las personas con I / DD. Los participantes pueden utilizar la guía visual que desarrollamos para realizar un seguimiento de sus preferencias.
***These are not presentations on how to access affordable housing or support services. Please visit the Resources page to connect with practical help today.
Questions? Email InclusiveHousingDenver@gmail.com