
National Supportive Housing Market Guide

The A Place in the World Supportive Housing Market Guide provides terms and definitions for supportive housing and service delivery models targeting individuals with I/DD. The Denver ECI will use these terms as a foundation, thus it may be helpful to review and explore models described using the terms.

Finding Community-Based Services

In order to connect locals with access to long-term support services, Colorado uses a regional system of Community Centered Boards (CCBs). Rocky Mountain Human Services is the CCB for Denver residents.

Finding Affordable Rental Housing

The Denver Housing Authority offers programs and properties to help make housing affordable for people who have low incomes. This list also includes properties who are required to have affordable rental units. Unfortunately, there is not enough affordable housing to meet the demand.

Learn About Trusts & Conservatorship

For those who need help managing their money and/or assets, there are tools that can help prevent exploitation and keep assets safe while maintaining public benefits. Learn more about these options through Colorado Fund for People with Disabilities.

Homebuying Assistance

Colorado Housing and Finance Authority offers counseling, lending and down-payment assistance for those who have low incomes and need help purchasing a home. 

Future Planning

The Arc Center for Future Planning helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families think about and plan for their future. If you would like to get involved in more advocacy efforts supporting a better future, check out The Arc of Colorado.

Connect to Local Resources

To access local funds for direct assistance or to further participate in the development of housing or other services for Denver residents with I/DD, get in touch with the Denver Human Services IDDEAS Program.

Safely Save Money

Colorado ABLE Accounts (Achieving a Better Life Experience) helps individuals with disabilities and their families save money while preserving their SSI and Medicaid.

Home Modifications for Accessibility

The Home Modification Tax Credit offers up to a $5000 tax credits for costs associated with making a home accessible to a resident with disabilities.

Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology Clinic at the CU Center for Inclusive Design and Engineering provides assessment, recommendation, and documentation to assist with funding justification of the need for assistive technology.